
Feel free to calculate your license fee online.

Calculate your license

If you know the amount of brands, users and storage you require, we can show you the base license fee right away. Contact us for a detailed breakdown of the costs or license examples.

Would you like to experience how a Brandware portal can also support your brand? Just request a demo account and you can try it for free for 30 days.

More than 10 brands, 100 users or 512GB storage? Or only use the basics? Please contact us for a tailored offer.



€ 115/month Minimums: 1 brand, 10 users, 10GB storage

brands subbrands users GB storage

Installation and configuration sprint (one-off)

Service Level Agreements (SLA) (periodical)

1 API key (included)

Optional Active Directory (Single Sign On) connector (one-off)

Optional Off-site backup (one-off)


30 days access


2 example brands

1 user account

common modules enabled

tailored demo possible